Rules & Regulations For Classes

  1. Payment to be made on the 1st to 10th of every month
  2. A fine of Rs. 50 will be collected if fees paid after 10th
  3. Even if you attend one class, payment has to be made for the month on time.
  4. Half payment will be taken if you do not attend the whole month.
  5. If you do not attend for 3 months continuously then your name will be cut off;   you have to register          once  again.
  6. In one month only one classes will be compensate.
  7. You can compensate your class in that month itself if you have missed for any reason.
  8. It will not be carried forward for the next month.
  9. Please feel free to discuss anything if you have any doubts regarding the rules & regulations.

                        For Details CALL: 9790726301, 9841761002, 044-45500206


For Details CALL: 9790726301, 9841761002, 044-45500206

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